A few years ago, the first season of the podcast "Échappées libres" was recorded in France, in French language. Let me introduce you the second season, called "States of flow", recorded in Taiwan and in English language!
What does "Échappées libres" mean?
In French, "une échappée" is an escape route, a path that is out of the ordinary, that goes beyond the routine.
"Libres" means to be free.
The idea of the podcast is to share with you ideas to escape your daily routine, in order to be free, to find your own way and to live life to the fullest.
The hobby experience becomes autotelic, an end in itself and all thoughts of success or failure disappear.
Amateurs (from the Latin "amator", "s/he who loves") share with us what their hobbies are. Their opinion is not subordinate to anything, it is neither truncated nor interested. There is no financial stake, no concern for social success or pragmatic efficiency in their remarks.
Unfettered nor constrained, the guests practice this fully chosen and autotelic activity during their spare time.
Some talk about it with passion, others with pragmatism, and many associate it to their life path.
One thing is certain: this hobby allows them to escape from the everyday life.
What about you, what do you do when you are off duty?