Boulogne-Billancourt, 22h30, printemps 2017 :
"Et donc, tu fais quoi dans la vie ?
- Si cette question vise à mieux me connaître, je préfère te parler de ce que je fais durant mon temps libre, plutôt que durant mon temps de travail…"

© échappées libres
Extraits du livre "The Decision Book", écrit par Mikael Krogerus et Roman Tschäooeler, et publié pour la première fois en anglais en 2011 par Profil Books Ltd :
"Over thousand years ago, Aristotle came to the unsurprising conclusion that what a person wants above all is to be happy.
In 1961, the US psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi looked for a term that described the state of feeling happy. He called it "flow".
After interviewing over a thousand people about what made them happy, he found that all the responses had five things in common. Happiness, or "flow", occurs when we are :
- intensely focused on an activity
- of our own choosing, that is
- neither under-challenging, nor over-challenging, that as
- a clear objective, and that receives
- immediate feedback."

Le Violon d'Ingres, Man Ray, 1924